Does your community group in Brinnington want to apply for funding from Big Local?

Brinnington Big Local has  a Small Grants Pot which aims to help local groups. We have allocated £10,000 to the Small Grants Pot to be spent between June 2017 and March 2018.

The funding is to be made available in two rounds.  The round one will open in June 2017, with a closing date of 5pm on Friday 29th July 2017.

Projects will commence from August 2017 and must be completed before the end of July 2018.

If your project is due to start in early August, you should seek advice from the Neighbourhood Management Team at First House, as a decision may not be made in time to support your project.

The funding made available will to be awarded to groups of local people (either from constituted groups, or working with the support of a local partner, such as Stockport Homes or Stockport Council, to act as an accountable body) to help contribute towards the 5 outcomes in the Brinnington Big Local Plan. These are:

We want to make Brinnington:

  • A fun and enjoyable place to live
  • A place where the quality of life is high
  • A place where people care for and respect each other
  • A place where people feel safe and secure
  • A place with a strong, stable and resilient community

How much is available?

Grants of up to £500 are available in each round.

Groups may submit one application in each round but, as long as the grant agreement is adhered to in round one, groups may be allocated funding in both rounds, although for different projects.

Download the application form and Guidance Notes here (and make sure you return it to us, fully completed, no later than 5pm on 29 July 2017)

BBL Community Grant Scheme Application Guidance for 2017

Application form BBL Community Grant

To help inspire you, these are some of the grants we gave out in previous rounds…

  • Wednesday with Inspired.. The light house centre .£500..towards computers
  • Barcastar ..JFC .£500..towards football kits.
  • Brinnington Community Art Group ..£500..towards art and craft tools
  • Brinnington Dance and Drama …£ take the kids to see Disney on ice
  • Dance With Natalie …£ help towards putting on dance classes for the kids of Brinnington
  • Midweek Group …£500..for a fundraising bingo night..
  • Pantomime For Brinnington…£500.for help towards putting on a pantomime in brinnington
  • Brinnington Celtic .£500..towards forming a under 12 football team..
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