Our Vision

Our Vision

We will work together to make Brinnington into a fun and enjoyable place to live by achieving the following goals:

  • We will make Brinnington into a place where quality of life is high
  • We will make Brinnington into a place where people respect and care for each other
  • We will make Brinnington into a place where residents feel safe and secure
  • Brinnington will be a strong, stable, sustainable, empowered and resilient community.

We will use the skills, talents and interests of our members to best effect, playing to our strengths in order to drive our programme forward. We are keen to engage more young people in our group.

As well as the monthly Steering Group meetings where key decisions are taken, we also hold interim meetings of a smaller number of residents, the LTO and the Big Local Rep. These serve as a sort of executive, enabling detailed discussions to take place and generating recommendations on new proposals, which are taken to the Steering Group.

We have consulted and engaged with residents and are confident that the projects we have decided to fund reflect the needs of our estate. For example, we have established provision for community training and delivered employment initiatives with Stockport Council, which resulted in local people sourcing and securing further education and employment. We are also working with our LTO Nina from Groundwork to recruit local people as part of the kick-start apprenticeship scheme. The health and wellbeing agenda is also represented, and we will continue to invest in schemes to support our young people.