Category Archives: Uncategorized

Our Vision for Young People in Brinnington

At Brinnington Big Local we know that the young people who live in our area are the key to a better future for us all. We want our young people to dream and dream big. We want to invest in those … Continue reading

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Opening times

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Green Thumbs Garden 4/7/16.

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Residents survey – We need your help please!

Hi all Following the successful launch of several projects during the first year of Brinnington Big Local, the Steering Group is now putting together the draft plan for the next 2 years and we would like your help in doing … Continue reading

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Grant Forms from the BBL.

Hello Brinnington. BBL grants for 2016 P.4.P..£500 Dancing Devils  …£404 TAG..The Adventurers Guild ..£489.69 Sparklers Elite..£500 Sewing Bees..£374 Brinnington media Group ..£500 Community Arts Group ..£500 Brinnington Events Team..£500 St Lukes Toddlers ..£500 Reclaim..£300 First Stop Cafe..£432.31.. The Full Total Given … Continue reading

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Green Thumbs Community Garden 2016

Here are some picture of Green Thumbs garden. Chris (in white shirt) built the BBQ for use and the brick were donated to us from the Lapwing Centre. Plants are coming on very well and it looks good.

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Brinnington Big Local £1,000,000

Hi to everyone in Brinnington. The Board of Brinnington big local feel it is time to make a statement to clear up a few things. It has come to our attention. , that some people are not happy with the … Continue reading

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Grand Opening of Green Thumb’s Communal Garden.

|Brinnington communal garden will be opening on Friday 18th of March at 1pm. Will all the people who have applied for a plot please come into the office on Thursday 10th and Friday 11th March. To sign agreement form. Thank … Continue reading

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Mini bus for Brinnington.

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projects updates in Brinnington. By B.B.L

The Cinema Project / This is based at st lukes parish centre .With funding form Brinnington big local we have set an other group up to run the cinema  . Before we got the cinema up and running we held a … Continue reading

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